Robert Filby

'Work & Co.' 2001 to present.
Photographs documenting sculpture in the company of cats.
List of titles, dates, dimensions, descriptions of work, and participants.

Left to right and top to bottom:
fig 1.'Worktop & Co.' 2001. Colour. 76 x 51cm. 'Worktop' LDF, emulsion, can, ceramic pie weights. 42 x 64 x 21cm / 2. 'Glossy Rabbit & Co.' 2001. Colour. 76 x 51cm. 'Glossy Rabbit' Plaster, gloss paint, LDF. 13 x 15 x 27cm / 3. 'Fartlek & Co.' 2001. Colour. 76 x 51cm. 'Fartlek' Fresh sandwich case, polystyrene, spray paint. 14 x 6 x 14cm / 4. 'Blumentopf & Co.' 2001. Colour. 76 x 51cm. 'Blumentopf' Plaster, acrylic. 4 x 120 x 4cm / 5. 'Death Oth Moth, No Title, Reformed Blumentopf, Cairo Pattern & Co.' 2003. Colour. 51 x 51cm. 'Death Oth Moth' Wall drawing Variable dimensions. 'No Title' Pine, paint, glass, silicone 62 x 148 x 25cm. 'Reformed Blumentopf' Plaster, acrylic 10 x 12 x 7cm / 6. 'Death Oth Moth, Tile & Co.' 2003. Colour. 51 x 51cm. 'Tile' Efaplast, acrylic. 33 x 33 x 1cm / 7. 'Iceberg & Co.' 2004. Colour. 116 x 116cm/ 'Iceberg' Plaster, watercolour. 26 x 42 x 27cm / 8. 'Yellow shapes appear from top and side of box & Co.' 2005. b/w 76 x 51cm. 'Yellow shapes appear from top and side of box' Cardboard, dental plaster, acrylic paint. 14.5 x 48 x 45cm / 9. 'Tub of Record & Co.' 2005. b/w 76 x 51cm. 'Tub of Record' Puppen modelling material, dutch frame offcuts. 31 x 31 x 22cm before collapse / 10. 'Brocolli Pressings & Co.' 2006. Colour. 110 x 110cm. 'Brocolli Pressings' Crank pottery. Two pcs ea app 18 x 16 x 9cm / 11. 'Glass & Co.' 2006. Colour. 110 x 110cm. 'Glass' Crank pottery. Two pcs 24 x 35 x 1cm / 12. 'Mariah Carey on Mariah Carey & Co.' 2006. Colour. 110 x 110cm. 'Mariah Carey on Mariah Carey' Crank pottery w unfired glaze. Two pcs ea 4 x 31 x 2.5cm / 13. '10, 11, 14, Pyramidic Jelly Mold & Co.' 2006. Colour. 110 x 110cm. 'Pyramidic Jelly Mold & Co.' Crank pottery. Two pcs 11.5 x 20 x 9cm, 11.5 x 11.5 x 9cm / 14. 'Stem & Co.' 2006. Colour. 110 x 110cm. 'Stem' Crank pottery. 4 x 31 x 2.5cm / 15. 'Early Creaty & Co. (Imagining)' 2006. Colour. 110 x 110cm. 'Early Creaty' Powder form cement, baseboard. 68 x 68cm at base / 16. 'Early Creaty & Co. (Doing)' 2006. Colour. 110 x 110cm. 'Early Creaty' Powder form cement, baseboard. 68 x 68cm at base /

Co. is:
1 - 4, Boris lent by Rosie Filby / 5 - 6, Maud lent by Liz Clark / 7, Lily lent by Kaavous Clayton / 8 -9, Barnaby lent by Sam Horwood / 10 - 14, Evie lent by Paul Kuzemczak and Melanie Gosling / 15 - 16, Sooty lent by Georgie Manly /

With assistance from: Matthew Davis, Philip Gardner, Caishlan Herd, Simon Liddiment, Norwich Gallery, Outpost Gallery.

1 - 4, NSAD MA Exhibition 2001 & Queen of Hungary 2004 / 5 -6, The Simple Truth, Norwich Gallery 2003, curated by Michelle Cotton / 7, Outtakes reproduced individually for Slimvolume Poster Publication 2004, organised by Andrew Hunt / 8 - 9, Recent Work and Work & Co., Outpost 2005 / 10 - 14, Converted to DVD and exhibited as 'Ceramics for Poland Television Presentation w Fog' for WYSIWYG, F.A.I.T., Krakow 2006 /